Money Study Group Online

Help me help you help each other. Which collaboration tool would you like to use for Money Study Group Online Fall 2020. Google Doc, GroupMe, Slack, or BlackBoard Discussion Board?
Earning Class Collaboration Points
- Post your question about weekly assignments
- Post an answer for students who post a question
- Include creative content in your posts
- Screen Shares,
- Links,
- Images,
- GIFs
- Videos and
- Any media that clearly communicates your questions, answers, and observations
Have fun and learn a ton!
Our weekly Zoom Meetings are Tuesday at 10AM. You are not required to attend the Zoom Meetings, however, will want to watch the Video which will be posted to our YouTube Playlist as well as our Facebook Page.
When you post comments, questions, and suggestions, I’ll review and reply throughout each week.
You can find the links to our YouTube Playlist and our Facebook page in the menu section of the header posted on
Please bookmark these links and consider liking the Facebook page to be notified for each Weekly Zoom Meeting Video Post.
Also consider subscribing to our YouTube channel to be notified for each Weekly Zoom Meeting Video Post.
I will post a weekly assignment review each Friday afternoon on YouTube and Facebook.
Students who complete assignments early receive extra points and have the opportunity to make any needed corrections to their assignments after the weekly review video is posted to our Facebook page and our YouTube Playlist.