
Free Credit Report

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Free Credit Report Week 3 Assignment Review:

This Week’s Class Collaboration: Spending Tracker

Leave your comments in Facebook, YouTube, or MoneyStudyGroup.com. What App or Tool will you use to Track Your Spending for the next 60 days?

This week’s Class Collaboration assignment will focus on the app (or other tool) you will use to track your spending for the next 60 days. The assignment will be posted in BB at the end of October. You are responsible for tracking your spending so that you can provide the following items outlined in your upcoming assignment:

  1. The Data (accounting for every penny of spending for 60 days)
  2. Your Spending Category Chart (super easy when you use an app like your bank, Mint.com, or RightCapital)
  3. Share Your Spending TrackerExperience (briefly describe what you learned, pros and cons, etc.) 

Class Collaboration Comments from Last Week [Emergency Fund]

Catherine Perez

My emergency fund is kept in a savings account through my credit card company. I find that it is a better institution than my checking account to accumulate interest. As I collect more money than I need to have within my checking account, I will transfer it over to my emergency fund savings account. Once I earn a full time job, the plan is to set my account up to automatically deduct a certain percentage of my salary to go toward my savings account.

owenbin nguyen

I currently do have a saving account that I try my best to transfer half of my check into it each month. But somehow it make it way out to the checking account. Once I fix my spending habit and I would love to start saving more and star to see more 0 in my saving

Fabiola Roman

Hello! I really enjoyed this lecture, it got me excited about getting organized with finances. tracking my spending for the next 60 days is a good start since I always feel lost and overwhelmed when is comes to budgeting. I am looking forward to the rest of the semester

Vy Tran

For the next 12 months, I really need to discipline myself in establishing what is needed and what isn’t. Like many other young students, I have a hard time controlling myself when I’m shopping for clothes. I would also have to cut back on the times I would eat out because not only would that benefit my bank account, my body and conscience will thank me later. I enjoy online courses because I have a full-time job during the day, and this allows me to be flexible with my schedule. My financial future is off to a rock start if we’re being honest, and I am stressed because I don’t know how to stop spending money on unnecessary things. However, this challenge would be doable. Again, self-discipline and learning how to shop smart will benefit me in the future

Alex H

Online courses are convenient but In person courses may help me retain information better. I feel overwhelmed with the weight of managing money. The challenge of saving for future goals, and unprepared to deal with financial life goals

Part One Get Your Free Credit Report

Go to AnnualCreditReport.com and obtain at least one Free Credit Report for yourself.

Free Credit Report Online

Part Two Create a List of Creditors

Create a List with four columns, in the first column List of ALL of your Creditors,

  • In the second column list the balance of your loan with each creditor,
  • In the third column, the monthly payment amount (if student loan, the monthly amount you will pay after college),
  • In the fourth column, include the address and phone number for contacting your creditor
  • Add each of your Debt Items to your financial planning portal

Save a PDF copy of your Credit Report in a safe and convenient place so that you can easily retrieve it later.

Part Three Upload One Document to BB

In order to receive full credit (50 points) for this assignment, you will need to upload each of the items listed:

  • Screenshot of Week 3 Credit Quiz in MoneyStudyGroup.com (Passing Score of 80%)
  • PDF copy of Credit Report (Optional, I don’t care to see it but I want you to either upload it for me to see or provide a summary of what’s on your credit report)
  • Your Creditor List as outlined above (if you have no creditors, just tell me that)
  • Brief Narrative Commentary about what you found on your Credit Report (Not Optional!!)

If you could not complete a Credit Report, complete the alternative assignment in BlackBoard for this week. See Blackboard Assignments.

Your Credit Report can be submitted as a PDF document in BlackBoard Learn. I will delete your credit report once I have viewed it. If you have questions about your credit report and want my input, I will need to see it. On the other hand, if you’re not comfortable sharing this confidential information, simply provide comments about your credit report sharing what you learned in this assignment. 

When I pulled my own Credit Report I found a lot of information that did NOT belong on my Credit Report. After a little research, I discovered that (by co-signing a car loan for one of my employees) much of their credit information was now a part of my Credit Report. 

This is a very important assignment; if you want to take responsibility for your personal finances, getting a Free Credit Report every year is a very good habit. Start now. Feel free to share this assignment with friends and family members who may also benefit by getting a FREE Credit Report – Every Year!

Free Credit Report Online

Before You Begin – Take Week 3 Quiz at MoneyStudyGroup.com 
*Include ScreenShot, Please do not submit this assignment until AFTER you pass Week 3 Credit Quiz!
  • Take this week’s quiz in your Money Study Group Course
  • Grab a ScreenShot
  • Include the Screen Shot in this week’s article

Week 3 Assignment | Free Credit Report | List Your Creditors

How to Invest- This Assignment is ONLY for Students with No Credit Report

If you can get a Credit Report, you must complete the Week 3 Credit Report Assignment

Part One 

Before You Begin – Take Week 3 Credit Quiz in MoneyStudyGroup.com 

Grab a ScreenShot showing you Passed with 80%

Include the Screen Shot in this week’s article/PDF

Part Two — How to Invest

  • Go to the YouTube Link and watch the entire video: How to Invest
  • Provide an Outline of the entire video (be sure to include the title of each section).
  • What is the Purpose of this Lecture? (begins at about 21 minutes)
  • Becoming an Investor (the rest of the video has a lot of GREAT information about being an investor).

— Watch all of the video and create a professional outline of the lecture.

— Write an article (800 — 1000 words) about becoming an investor (starting at about 21 minutes into the video):

Organize your article and apply good formatting so that your article is easy to read and professional in appearance.

 Upload One PDF Document to BB

In order to receive full credit (50 points) for this assignment, you will need to create one PDF file containing each element listed:

  • Screenshot of Week 3 Credit Quiz in MoneyStudyGroup.com (Passing Score of 80%)
  • Your Video Summary/Article — How to Invest
  • Your Creditor List as outlined above (if you have no creditors, just tell me that)
  • Brief Narrative Commentary about what you learned this week about Credit, Credit Reports, and Credit Scores

How to Invest for Students with No Credit Report


Item is hidden from students. It was last available on Nov 30, 2020 11:59 PM.

How to Invest for Students with No Credit Report

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The Blueprint for Financial Success

The Blueprint for Financial Success is a powerful tool designed to simplify the planning process while helping you connect your financial decisions with your vision, values, and purpose.

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Money Study Group

Money Study Group is an online self-study self-paced course designed to help students create a compelling financial plan while learning how to become a millionaire by age 50.