Don’t forget, open enrollment ends Friday.
If you have not yet enrolled in the course at MoneyStudyGroup.com you can still do so until Friday.
After Friday, if you still have not enrolled in the online course at MoneyStudyGroup.com you will be required to drop your Personal Finance Course at the Bauer College of Business at University of Houston.
Also, don’t forget to get your text book: Make Your Money Count along with a hard copy of The Blueprint for Financial Success.
To get your book and the blueprint, you will need to be enrolled — and you will need to be logged into your course at MoneyStudyGroup.com
Just click on the link in the menu bar, add your name and ADDRESS to our mailing list.
My wife, Connie, has agreed to mail books and blueprints out this weekend. We’re waiting until after open enrollment ends — this Friday.
If you’re made it this far without enrolling, you’ll notice that the number of points you’ve earned in BB are lower than they should be. Your class content is being posted in your online course at Money Study Group and — if you’re not enrolled — you’re missing the course content and failing the course.