
Extra Credit Video Communication

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This is a special – optional – EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT for students who have already completed the Extra Credit Research Topic: Personal Finance.

Only If you would like to take your communication skills to the next level.

  • Create Your Own Video To Communicate What You Learned,
  • Why It Matters, and
  • How It Might Help

Make your video interesting for a friend and anyone else who may be looking for good information related to personal finance.

Have fun with the assignment.

You will need to post your video to Youtube, Vimeo, or some other online site that allows you to create a link for sharing.

Post your link in the comments in BB, as long as I can watch the video on my Mac computer, you will receive full credit.

If you want to give me permission to share your video with students – BE SURE TO TELL ME I HAVE YOUR PERMISSION IN THE CHAT WINDOW OF YOUR BB ASSIGNMENT (I will post your video on our YouTube channel for others to view ONLY IF YOU GIVE ME PERMISSION TO DO SO) .

The Blueprint for Financial Success
Financial Coaching

The Blueprint for Financial Success

The Blueprint for Financial Success is a powerful tool designed to simplify the planning process while helping you connect your financial decisions with your vision, values, and purpose.

Money Study Group
Financial Training

Money Study Group

Money Study Group is an online self-study self-paced course designed to help students create a compelling financial plan while learning how to become a millionaire by age 50.